Synthetic Nature explores the complexities of our inherently human relationship with the natural world. This symbiosis is imperative for life itself. Concurrently, ecosystems are evolving and adapting to the instability of the Anthropocene. The residue of human existence is impossible to escape, and these effects of environmental degradation are more apparent than ever. Our interactions with the natural world are unavoidable. Synthetic Nature intersects the impacts of this coexistence and the fragility of such ecosystems. Our humanistic approach romanticizes and implies synthetic ideations of nature. These perceptions are disconnected from the harsh realities of the cruel, beautiful, and confusing behavior of our ecology.
Is what we consider nature, really, nature, or is it just the reality of human projections?
Elements of BioArt, such as SCOBY leather and other substances, including glycerin, dried plant matter, wood, beeswax, and natural pigments are used throughout this body of work. They are fragile, unstable, and difficult to control. These natural materials coincide with synthetic traces of human remnants and traditional art practice.